Friday, 20 January 2017

ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

vkse t; txnh”k gjs

vkse t; txnh”k gjs dkyt;h vkjrh gj lukru /keZ izseh HkDrtu cM+h J)k ls xkrs gSa Amlds jpukdkj ds :Ik esa dgr lnkuUn Lokeh ;k gjhgj Lokeh xkrs gSa A tcfd bl vuqie /kkfeZd jpuk jpf;rk Fks iaŒ J`)kjke “kekZ vFkok J)kjke fQykSjh ;g jpuk laiw.kZ Hkkjr esa xkbZ tkrh gS vkSj cPpk cPpk ifjfpr gS ysfdu bl vn~Hkqr jpuk ds jfp;rk iaŒ J)kjke “kekZ dk uke blesa ls xk;c gks x;k gSA
iaŒ J)kjke fQYyksjh 19oha “krkCnh ds tkus ekus fo}ku vkSj lqizfl) lkfgR;dkj Fks mudk tUe iatkc ds tkya/kj ftys ds fQyksj uked uxj esa gqvkA lu~ 1870 esa izfl) vkjrh vkse t; dh jpuk dh tks vkt tu tu ds daB esa cl xbZ gSA iaŒ J)kjke us fgUnh esa vU; lkfgR; Hkh jpk A ftlesa 1888 esa izdkf”kr HkkX;orh gSA izopu /kkfeZd O;k[;kuksa ds fy;s os tkus tkrs FksA
iaŒ J`)kjke fQYyksjh lu~ 1837 esa iatkc izk¡r ds yqf/k;kuk tuin ds fQYYkksj uked LFkku ij tUes Fks vkSj 24 twu lu~ 1881 esa LoxZoklh gq,A
iaŒ J`}kjke dh vkjrh dh yksdfiz;rk ls izsfjr iaŒ dUgS;kyky “kkL=h us bls laLÑr esa vuqokfnr fd;kA ineJh vkpk;Z {ksepaUn lqeu us vius xzUFk fnoaxr fgUnh lsoh esa iafMr J`)kjke fQYykSjh ds fo"k; esa fy[kk gS iafMr th cpiu ls T;ksfr"k rFkk laxhr esa :fp ysrs FksA mUgsa dfork,sa fy[kus dh Hkh :fp Fkh 13 o"kZ dh mez esa gh mUgksus mnwZ] fgUnh o iatkch Hkk"kkvksa dk Kku izkIr djus ds lkFk laLÑr Hkk"kk dh vPNh ;kasX;rk gkfly dhA laLÑr esa mUgksus fuR; izkFkZuk ]vkRe fpfdRlk iqLrdksa dh jpuk dh mUgksus fgUnh esa rRo nhid] lR;/keZ eqDrkoyh] “krksins”k] chtea=] lR;ke`r izokg] ljh[kh iqLrdsa jphA

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

शायरी बिंदास मुस्कराओ

fcnkal eqLdjkvks D;k xe gS ftUnxh es Vsa”ku fdldks de gS
vPNk ;k cqjk rks dsoy eze gS ftUnxh dk uke gh dHkh [kq”kh dHkh xe gS

vks tUur ds okf”knksa vc D;ks brus vkpkj gq;s dgk¡ rqEgkjh iRFkj bZVs dgk¡ lHkh gfFk;kj gq,
dgk¡ x;k tsgkn rqEgkjk ikd ijLrh dgk¡ xbZ dgk¡ x;s oks pk¡n flrkjs uwjk dq”rh dgk¡ xbZ cktkj dh canh nhu ds Qros dgk¡ x;s dslj dgok lc vksj v[kjksV ds :ros dgk x;s iqU; fgeky; dh Nk;k es jgdj mldk xkyh nks [kwc tyk;k /otk frjaxk >aMk gjk mBk;k Fkk yky pkSd ij tc th pkgk rc dksgjke epk;k Fkk Hkkjr dks QkSth u rqedks QwVh vk¡[k lqgk;s Fks dqnjr dqN ukjkt gqbZ rks vYykg vdcj Hkwy x;s nk<+h Vksih rdjhjs ykgkSj is”kkoj Hkwy x;s vc D;ksa p+<+ Nrksa ij ?kj dk D;ksa >ksyh QSyk;s gks ftu vk¡[kksa esa uQjr Fkh D;ks muesa vk¡lw yk;s gks

vjs er[kk D;k vkneh vk¡[kks ij iRFkj Nk;s gSa ns[kks dkfQj QkSth rqedks jksVh nsus vk;s gSa

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

सुख सपदा

eafty ij igq¡pus ds fy;s [kqn ik¡o c<+kuk gksxk
jkg dh eqf”dy dks [kqn vki gVkuk gksxk
dksbZ ugh gS tks vk;s vksj rwedks jks”kuh ns ns
va/ksjs dks feVkus ds fy;s [kqn vius vkidks tykuk gksxkA

       gkykr ;k ekgkSy cnyus dh ckr dj e
       eqf”dy gS jkg ysfdu pyus dh ckr dj
       ekuk ?kuk va/ksjk fQj Hkh ;s fny gS jks”ku
       fgEer ls bd nh;s lk tyus dh ckr dj

Mwcrs Mwcrs d”rh dks mNkyk ns nw
eS ugh dksbZ rks lkfgy iS mrj tk;sxk

vkSj FkksM+k vkSj vkvks ikl er dgks viuk dfBu bfrgkl
er lquks vuqjks/k cl pqi jgks dgsaxs lc dqN rqEgkjs “okl

vius psgjs ij nkx utj vkrs gSa fdldks
oDr dk vkbuk psgjk fn[kk nsrk gS lcdks

       ns[k ysrh gS xqfyLrksa dk peu eu dh vk¡[ks
       tku ysrh gSa cgkjksa dh gj >yd /kM+dus dh vk¡[ksa

y{eh ek¡ bl nhokyh ij vkids ?kj Lo.kZ dy”k Hkj nsa
vk¡py esa ghjs eksrh ?kj vk¡xu [kqf”k;k¡ ls Hkj nsa
nhid txex gks eafnj esa dqedqe ekFks is j[k nsa
feVkdj thou dh dM+okgV eku lq/kk ds dy”k Hkj nsa

       nh;s eas T;ksfr] T;ksfr esa izdk”k iqyfdr gS /kjrh
       txex vkdk”k nhiksa dh drkj dgs ckj ckj
       fojkts ek¡ y{eh vkids }kj

y{eh th dk gkFk gks ljLorh th dk lkFk gks
x.kifr dk fuokl gks buds vk”khZokn ls vkids thou esa izdk”k gks
       dqedqe Hkjs dneksa ls vk;s y{eh dh vkids }kj
       lq[k laifÙk feys vkidks vikj

ixix esa Qwy f[kys [kq”kh vkidks Hkjiwj feys
dHkh u gks nq[kksa dks lkeuk ;gh vkids fy;s nhikoyh dh “kqHkdkeuk

       twxuw cudj ge pedsa vkS ?kj ?kj nhi tyk;sa
       iwtk cnu vks vpZu J}k dk Hkksx yxk;s
       nhu lqnkek dk vk¡xu nhiksa esa gks os f>yfey
       ge djsa ekr` vkjk/kuk ek¡ usg dy”k Nydk;sA

lq[k laink vkids thou esa vk;s
y{eh th vkids ?kj esa lek;s
Hkwydj Hkh vkids thou esa bd nq[k Hkh dHkh u vk;s

       /ku o"kkZ gksrh jgs lnk vkids }kj
       LokLF; lq[k le`f} gks c<+s [kwc ifjokj

12 eaFkl vkWQ gSIihusl 52 ohDl vkQ 365 Mst vkQ lDlsl 8760 vklZ xqM gSYFk] 52600 fefuVl xqM yd 3153600 lsdsUMl vkQ tk; ,M ns ml vkWy fof”kax ;w ,s gSIih nhokyh

fxj/ku /kkj.k fd;k xkso/kZu fxfj vkt
vk”kknhi tyk, ds <ksy e`nax lax ckt
56 Hkksx viZ.k d: iwju dhts dkt
vkidh lifjokj j{kk djsa Jh xkso/kZu egkjkt
u;k o"kZ vk;k u;k xhr xkvks oks xqtjk tekuk mls Hkwy tkvks
tgk¡ Hkh fn[ks rqEgsa vf/k;kjk ogk¡ tkdj ,d nhid tykvks
u;k o"kZ yk;s thou easa g"kZ o vk”kk dk lapkj
u;s o"kZ ij lHkh tuksa dks uoy c/kkbZ ckjackj

“kek tykdj ?kj jks”ku fd;k rks D;k

,slk fpjkx tykb;s jks”ku tgk¡ djsA


lkjs fj”rs tsB nqigjh xeZ gok vkfr”k vaxkjs
>juk nfj;k >hy leanj ehuh lh iqjokbZ vEEkk
?kj ds >hus fj”rs eSus yk[kksa ckj m/kM+rs
pqids pqids dj nsrh Fkh tkus dc rqjikbZ vEek

       D;k lhjr D;k lwjr Fkh ek¡ eerk dh ewjr Fkh
       ik¡o Nq, vkjs dke gq, vEek ,d ewjZr Fkh

?kksalys esa vkbZ fpfM+;k ls iwNk pwtksa us]^^ ek¡ vkdk”k fdruk cM+k gS pwtksa ds ia[kks ds uhps lesVrh cksyh fpfM+;k lks tkvks bu ia[kksa ls NksVk gSA

bl rjg esjs xqukgksa dks /kks nsrh gSA
ek¡ cgqr xqLls esa gksrh gS rks jks nsrh gS

       vHkh ftUnk gS ek¡ esjh eq>s dqN Hkh ugh gksxk
       eSa ?kj ls tc fudyrk gw¡ nqvkeh lkFk pyrs gSa

tc Hkh d”rh esjh lSykc esa vk tkrh gS
ek¡ nqvk djrh gqbZ [oko esa vk tkrh gSA

       Åij ftldk vUr ugh mls vklek¡ dgrs gSa
       ftlds I;kj dk vUr ugh mls gh ek¡ dgrs gSa

ycksa ij mlds dHkh cnnqvk ugh gksrh
cl ,d ek¡ gS tks dHkh [kQk ugh gksrh

ek¡ rsjs nks lqanj I;kys Hkjs nw/k :ih gkyk
ih yw¡ ih yw¡ thou th yw¡ xksn gS rsjh e/kq”kkyk

esjh [okfg”k gS fd eSa fQj ls Qfj”rk gks tk;s
ek¡ ls bl rjg fyiVw¡ fd cPpk gks tkÅ¡

ifjnksa dks rkyhe ugh nh tkrh mM+kuksa dh

oks [kqn gh cqyafn;k Nw ysrs gSa vklekuksa dh


ftuds fy;s gh jps vkMEcj vkSj ftuds fy;s gh lktckt ltckrs gSa ftuds fy;s gh jRu [kksnu [kjhns tkr ftuds fy;sgh ek¡x Hkkstu cukrs gSA dgr fcgkjh bu “kjhju dh iwNks er /kks[kk nsu ckjs ;g u dksm dke vkrs gsSa lk/ks jk[k jk[k vkSj lEHkkys l[k jk[ks ftUgsa ikys jk[kjk[k os gh jk[k cu tkrs gSa

uedhu dj viuh gkFkksa dh ydhjksa ij
D;ksafd ulhc mudk Hkh gksrk gS ftudks gkFk ugh gksrs

xqy ls fyiVh gqbZ frrfy;ksa dks fxjkdj ns[kks
vkf/k;ksa rqeus dbZ nj[krksa dks fxjk;k gksxk

       ykt esa /kqy ds fudyrh gS tc
       mldh eklwe va/k[kqyh vk¡[ks
       ,slk yxkrk gS jkr “kcue esa
       ugk pqdh gS dey dh ik[kas

ge rks nfj;k gSa viuk gquj ekyqe gs
ftl rjQ Hkh py iM+sxs jkLrk gks tk;sxk

       iRFkjksa ij [kqnh bckjr xokg gS
       ge tekus ls ugh gels ;g tgku gS

dxkjksa dks t:jr gS vc [kqn viuh fgQktr
Bgjs gq, ikuh esa mQku vk x;k gSA

       ilhus ls lkspsxsa vius mEehnksa dh Qly
       f[kyk;sxs og peu Hkh tks vkt ohjku gS

gkSlys gekjs tekus ds fy;s e”kkyq gq,
jks”kuh ls ftdh lwjt Hkh gSjku gS

       rqe bls tks”k dgks ;k nks twuwu dk uke
geus gh Fkke j[kk ;g Å¡pk vkleku gS
fy[ksxss viuh fdLer vius gh gkFkksa ls
bfrgkl cusxk xokg ;g gekjk ,yku gS

jaxksa dh jaxksyh gS g¡lh fBBksyh gS
eLrksa dh Vksyh gS cqjk u ekuksa gksyh gS

       vk¡lw dks ilhus esa cnyks esgur ls ulho cnyrk gS

       ;g mruk gh lp gS ftruk lwjt gj jkst fudyrk gS 


dkih is pan jkst ls vYQkt dh txg
dqN cPps iSafly ls cukrs gS jksfV;k¡

tc tsc esa iSls gksrs gSa vkSj isV esa jksVh gksrh gS
ml oDr ;s tjkZ ghj gS ml oDr ;s “kcue eksrh gS
nhouk vkneh dks cukrh gS jksfV;k¡
[kqnukprh gSa lcdks upkrh gSa jksfV;k¡
Hkjk gks isV rks lalkj txexkrk gS
yxh gks Hkw[k rks bZeku Mxexkrk gS
       chp lM+d bd yk”k iM+h Fkh vkSj ;s fy[kok;k
       Hkw[k esa tgjhyh jksVh Hkh ehBh yxrh gS

ge tgk¡ Hkh tkrs gSa viuh txg cuk ysrs gSa
gesa vkrk gS gquj fny esa mrj tkus dk

u;s o"kZ esa u;s nkSj dk volj gS
eul Hkkouh Lo.kZ eksj dk volj gS
“kCnksa dk ;g v}ZdqEHk gS dksVk esa
pyks pysa ge mlh vksj dk volj gS
       u;k lky esa ubZ ckrka ;k ea”kk gS
       Hkyka lch lw Hkj Hkj ckFkk ;k ea”kk gS cSBh gks cSV;k T;kadk ?kj esa
       ckads vk¡[ks jke cjkrk ;k ea”kk gS
       lq[k lwa lky lch dks chrs jkew HkS;k
       ehBksa [kkrk vkSj f[kykrk ;k ea”kk gS

;g ?kj gS ,d fojke gS thou egklaxzke gS
fryfry feVw¡xk ij n;k dh Hkh[k eSa yw¡xk ugh
ojnku eS ekuwxh ugh
lq[kn igjs ds fy;s vius [kaMgjksa ds fy;s
;g tku yks eSa fo”o dh laifÙk pkgw¡xk ugh
ojnku eSa ekxwaxh ugh
D;k gkj esa D;k thr gS fadfpy ugh Hk;Hkhr esa
la?k"kZ iFk ij tks feys ;g Hkh lgh og Hkh lgh
ojnku ekxwxh ugh
y?kqrku vc esjh Nwvks rqe gks egku cus jgks
vius ân; dh osnuk eSa O;FkZ R;kxw¡xk ugh
ojnku eSa ekxwaxk ugh
pkgs eq>s vfHk”kki nks pkgs ân; iFk ls fdarq ekxw¡xk ugh
ojnku eSa ekxw¡xk ugh

oks ifjank ftls ijokt ls QqlZr u Fkh
vc vdsyk gS rks nhokj ij vk cSBk gS

       laca/kks dh i¡wth ysdj ge fudys cktkj esa
       ysfdu nqfu;k cgqr rst Fkh lc dqN fcdk m/kkj esa

oks viuk psgjk fQj vkbus esa igpkurk dSls
ges”kk nwljs yksxksa dh rLohj cukrk Fkk

       Hkhrj dh rdyhQ l`tu dh ekrk gS
       vkSj cgqr Hkksxus okyk cM+k fo|krk gS
       blfy;s izk.k esjs ek¡xksa Qy fudysxk
       bu cM+h cM+h rdyhQksa dk gy fudysxk

lsok viuk /keZ /ku ml ij Hkh fu"dke
vathdkj viZ.k gks pky feys vfojke rw
pky feys vfojke jgs vU/kk uk dksbZ
ekuo lsok ds fgrkFkZ Hkkouk gS latksbZ
dgs lsod dfojk; Ñikyq ml ij nsok
nhu nq[kh vlgk; dh djs tks eu ls lsok

       “kk[k ls rksM+ Qwy us g¡ldj ;g dgk
       vPNk gksuk Hkh cqjh ckr gS bl nqfu;k eS

gj eqlhcr dk fn;k gj rCcqlqe esa tcko
bl rjg xfnZ”ks nkSjk dks :yk;k eSus

       u ;s niZ.k egdrk gS u ;s daxu egdrk gS
       fdlh dh xksn lwuh gks rksdc vk¡xu egdrk gS
       ltkoV yk[k dhft;s ?kj esa jkSud vk ugh ldrh
       vxj cPps u gks ?kj esa rks dc vk¡xu egdrk gS

viuh xyh esa uSuk pkj er dhft;s
pkj gks rks “kknh dk fopkj er dhft;s
izzsfedk ds cki dks irk yxk rks ihV nsxk     
Hkwydj izse dk btgkj er dhft;s

       yaxM+k tks Nykax yxk;s rks yxkus nks
       dksbZ xwxk xhr xquxquk,sa rks tkus nks
       lkB lky okyk dksbZ cw<+k tks fopkj djs
       b”d djus dk mls tksj vkt ekus nks

xw¡ts tu tu esa ;g ukjk fo”o eqdqV gks ns”k gekjk

eq>s gkWfLiVy eS xqykc vk jgs gSa
lqcg “kke ulkZs ds [;ko vk jgs gSa
ftUgsa [kr fy[ks Fks tokuh esa eSus
cq<+kis esa muds tckc vk jgs gSa

       bl rjg eq> ij c<kSrh dk fe;k geyk gqvk
       pk¡n eq¡g dk flj ij fudyk vkSj eSa Vdyk gqvk
       vksjh ySyk nwj gj eEeh dks viuh est ns
       Qwy iÙkh dh txg I;kjk eq>s xeyk gqvk

rqEgkjs I;kj dk VªsfQd ges”kk xzhu feyrk gS
ogk¡ jLrksa esa jLrs gSa dksbZ fnDdr ugh iM+rh
rqEgkjh >hy lh vk¡[kksa esa th djs rsjk d¡:    
ogk¡ okVj ikSY;w”ku gS esjh fgEer ugh iM+rh

       ftUnxh dh vlyh mM+ku vHkh ckdh gS
       gekjs bjknksa dk bErgku vHkh okdh gS
       vHkh rks ukih gS eqÎh Hkj tehu geus
       vkxs vHkh lkjk vkleku ckdh gS

/kjrh ij fgeky; lk egku cuus ds fy;s vkdk”k esa flrkjksa ds lkFk pyus ds fy;s viuh igpku cukus ds fy;s D;ksa uk ge dqN u;k djsa u;k lksps ,d opu [kqn ls ysa cqyanh ij igq¡pus dh ,d fo”okl [kqn esa txk,sa

dkSu dgrk gS cq<kis dks b”d djus dk gd ugh gksrk
;g vyx ckr bS mu ij fdlh dks “kd ugh gksrk
dkSu dgrk gS cq<+kis esa b”d dh jokuh ugh gksrh
       ;g vyx ckr gS fd mu ij fdlh dh esgjckuh ugh gksrh

v/kadkj gS ogk¡ tgk¡ vkfnR; ugh gS
eqnkZ gS og ns”k tgk¡ lkfgR; ugh gS

       cgkj f[kyus ls igys f[ktk vk xbZ
       Qwy f[ky Hkh u ik;s cdjh [kk xbZ

gks ds ek;wwl u vk¡xu ls m[kkM+ks ikS/ks

/kwi cjlrh gS rks cjlkr Hkh ;gh gksxh 


Children are the Anecdots that hold a mother to life sophoel (496-465 be)

All mothers are rich when they love their ehildren. There are no poor mothers no ugly ones no old ones their love is always the most beautiful of the joys    Maurico Maeterlinek1962-1949

If evolution was tru mothers would have more than two hands. Anonymous

A mother laughs our laughter sheds our tears returns our lve fears our fears she lives sourjays cares our caves and all our hopes and dreams. she sharos      Julia summers

A mother is the person you need when absolutely no one else will do pam brawn b 1925

A linen shirt sewn by ches mother is warrer

A mum si sameone who always knows when there is something wrong even if you do not tell her

When all other friends have deserted you your mother is always here
Some deep encoded pattern drew her to her children and made the circle thew her body itself was divided between them and the rest of the human world.

A mother wil make a home anywhere using anything that comes to hand. Pam brown B 1928

The goodness of a home is not dependent on wealth or spaciousness or beauty or luxury. Everything depends on the mother. G.W.E Rusell 1869-1936

Mother”s arms are made of tenderness and sweet sleep blesses the child who lies there in – Victorhugo

A mother is a lady who can do a dozen things at once and still find time to rissa a bruised knee better. Pam brown B 1928

In the wake of every evil inflietd by man or nature come the women gothering what can be salveged the distrought and injured children the lost the dispossessed the pragments of a broken socienty. They tear at blocks of stone tumbled by earthquake blackened byfire. They build among the alive trees or the desert sand out of destruction they piece together small areas of safety a home. Pavebrown

Of all the rights of women the greatest is to be a mother.       Lin yutong

Mother – in this consists the glory and the most precious ornament of woman. Luther.

Mother love makes a woman more velneable than any the creature on earth – Pambrouwn

Woman will alway fear war more than men because they are mother. A woman will always have a papy her own or her children”s in herarm will always be for mented by fear for her children the fear that one day she might be a withness to their own deaths. Nataly Barankaya

Strong beautiful happy and sucessful though her own children may be somewhere in the inner darkness of a woman”s mind lie the inner darkness of a woman”s mind lie the reolletions of those others the children blown away like a flurry of leaves by sickness sorrow and devilry by hunger and by war. To have a child is to give her a share in every child and she mourus them as her own- Pam Brown

Whenever the family gaither at home and mothers hands rest on the table as if form the sun light from them fills the house with its radianee fills the heart

When I come home from school who would be there to make a delicious warm chocolate drink and may he some not muffius of a quick snack before having a proper dinner or another night I might I have salt and pepper laid over my potato not forqeting to dirbble the tomato sauee over everything only a nice welcoming mother could do that making things just how you like them

You are the care to her of the generations you are the bith giver. The sun told the woman you will be the carrior of the suniverse.

Mother are an interlocking chain that holds the world to gether.- Pam B

The future of a society is in the hands of mothers
The appealings sweetness giver do the baby of the species whether, monkey or rangaroo is nature guileful way of enslaving the mother. Most mothers although remaining aware of the sentence of motherhood manage to coneentrate on the rewards these range from the sheer fun of a gurgling rolling squeaking plaything in the home to the passion ate inteusaty of the love which many mothers feel for their babies. Rochel Billiugton.

A child life is like a piece of paper an which every person leaves a mark.

When God thought of mother he must have laughed with satisfaction and pramed it quickly so rich so deep so divive so full of soul power and beauty was the conception

The woman cries I mother the child whispers but I matter more

Do not negotiate with terrorists cautions her father when she odels to be picked up Absolutely right of course, But when he”s left the room I find myself moving to wards her drawn by that irresistible beat.

The mother is the most precious possession of the nation so precious that society advance its highest well being when it protects the functions of the mother        Ellenrey

Making the decision to have a child its momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.       Elizabeth stone

Each day I grew in my heart as the body growing belly. It takes nine mother to grow a mother as well as a baby.

The child in the first decisive years of life has the expierence of mother as an all enveloping protective nourishing power. Mother is food, she is love she is warmth, she is earth to be loved by her means to be alive to be rooted to be at home.