Thursday, 10 May 2018

Do you know

Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak   were chilly so they lit a fire in the craft unsurprisingly it sank proving you cnn’t have your kayak and heat it too .
 A child’s prayer
Dear God please put another holiday between Easter and Christmas There is nothing good there now
Dear God are you really invisible or is that a trick
Lipstick is the most shoplifting item around the world
Caramine a pigment that gives lipstick its deep red color is made by boiling dried insects and extracting then carminic acid
Gucerlain created the first bullet lipstick in 1870 This remains the most popular model till date.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

yes it is something

Immature love , I love you because I need you. Mature love I need you because I love you .
Don’t be so humble you are not that great.
Santa said something in Banta’s ear And Banta died guess what he said ?No guess  He said DHISHKYAON
Birthday’s are good for you the more you have the longer you live
Hard work has a future pay off laziness payoff now
When it comes to vacation the departure is the destination
I do not care when you disturbs me I get disturbed when you don’t  disturb me  Do not bury immediately after my death my friends have a habit of coming late.
Women are scientifically proven right even when they are wrong
The past is behind learn from it The future is ahead prepare for it .The present is here live it
The reason people find it so hard to be happy that they always see the past better than it was the present worse than it is and the futureless resolved thanit will be I was meant to be thin but God sewed me up wrong .

Sunday, 6 May 2018

anant ki khoj

ईश्वर कोई  विचित्र जीव नहीं है  जिसे हम खोजने को व्याकुल हैं  वो  हमारा होना परिचय है  हम उससे बने हैं  हम उससे अलग नहीं हैं।
 जब से मनुष्य ने  ऑंखें खोली   वह अपने रचयिता को  ढूंढ है नए  नए  ढंग से और नए नए धर्म विकसित हो जाते हैं लेकिन वह  मिलता  पर उसका अस्तित्व कण  मैं महसूस होता है  उसकी  विराट  सत्ता उसके अस्तित्व का  बोध  कराती है अगर मिल जायेगा तो वह अनंत कहाँ रहेगा फिर तो वह वह गम्य  उयलब्ध  वास्तु  हो  जायेगा फिर  उसका ईश्वरत्व  समाप्त   हो  जायेगा