Sunday, 21 April 2019

उक्ति संग्रह से

oks firk gksrk gS 
oks firk gh gksrk gS  
tks vius cPpksa dks vPNs fo|ky; esa i<+kus ds fy;s nkSM+ Hkkx djrk gS
m/kkj ykdj Mksus”ku Hkjrk gS t:jr iM+h rks fdlh ds Hkh gkFk iSj iM+rk gS
gj dkWyst esa lkFk lkFk ?kwerk gS
cPps ds jgus ds fy;s gkWLVy <w<+rk gS
 Lor% QVs diM+s igurk gS vkSj cPps ds fy;s u;h thUl Vh “kVZ ykrk gSA
 oks firk gh gksrk gSA
[kqn [kVkjk Qksu j[krk gS ij cPpksa ds fy;s LekVZ Qksu ykrk gSA
 cPps dh vkokt lquus o mldks Qksu esa iSlk Hkjrk gSA
oks firk gh gksrk gSA
cPps ds izse fookg ds fu.kZ; ij oks ukjkt gksrk gS
vkSj xqLls esa dgrk gS lc Bhd ls ns[k fy;k gS u
 vkidks dqN le> Hkh gS

Sunday, 14 April 2019

ukti sangrah se

·        1  The metallic age is when you have silver in your hair gold in your teeth and lead in your  feet .
2   Mother’s day  is  when the kids say that mom is the greatest cook in the world and then prepare a dinner for that proves it

3  A rich businessman was deeply touched when he arose to speak at a testimonial dinner given in the honor of his 50Th  business anniversary. His voice trembled when spoke
“when I came to this city” he said “ I walked down the dusty street I had no automobile not even a horse a buggy. My only suit was on my back and the soles of my shoes were getting thin All my possessions I carried in a brown paper sack .our city is good to me . My store has prospered I own a newspaper and radio station .I am a president of a largest bank . I am a member of our leading clubs and I own several business blocks.
After the dinner the business man was approached by a young man who shyly asked ‘ Mister, could you please tell me what you carried in that brown paper sack when you came here 50 years ago?”
Sure son I recall every item .In that bag  I had $300,000 in cash and $ 500.000 in negotiable securities .

4  Work festinates me I could sit and watch others do it for hours – Jerome

5  Success is just a matter of luck ask any failure – Earl Wilson
6  Behind every successful woman there is a man trying to stop her –anon
7  The world is divided in the two sorts of people There who are willing to work and those who are willing to let them.
We must make people realize that success is in business and in the professional is not geared to the lack of education. It is dependent on education Abe Lincoln was not great because he was born in cabin but because he was able to get out of it .-
--Idaho Education news

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

लव प्रेम

जो सचमुच प्रेम करता है उस मनुष्य का ह्रदय  धरती पर साक्षात् स्वर्ग है इश्वर उसी मनुष्य मैं बसता है क्योंकि वाही प्रेम है -- राबर्ट
 प्रेम ईश्वर की निष्णात प्रतिमा नहीं है बल्कि देवीय प्रकृति का जीवंत सार है जिसमें कल्याण गुण छलकते हैं  -- मार्टिन लूथर किंग
 किसी दुश्मन को परास्त करने का सबसे अच्छा  तरीका है उससे प्रेम करना शुरू कर दो ---अब्राहम लिंकन
 प्रेम का नाता संसार के सभी संबंधों से श्रेष्ठ और पवित्र है  -- मुंशी प्रेम चंद
मनुष्य की समस्त दुर्बलताओं पर विजय प्राप्त कर्जे वाली अमोघ वस्तु प्रेम परमात्मा की सबसे बड़ी देन है
--- राधाक्र्ष्णन
प्रेम के स्पर्श से हर व्यक्ति कवि बन जाता है -- प्लेटो
प्रेम की शक्ति दंड से हजार गुना अधि प्रभावशाली और स्थायी होती है
--महात्मा गाँधी
प्यार तभी सच्चा होता है जब लोग एक दुसरे के मामले मैं दखल न देन प्यार मैं दोनों को एक दुसरे का सम्मान करना चाहिए  --ओशो