He is breaking up the wrong tree
Mistaken in one’s judgment
In old days in fight the raccoons takes a tree and
remains in safty far up in the highest branches .
It was the hunting dog’s responsibility to remain at
the foot of the tree and keep the raccoon a prisoner by barking continuously
until his master arrives to take raccoon . Sometimes the dog makes a mistake in
the excitement of the chase or in the failing light and when morning comes it
is all too obvious the dog has been barking up the wrong tree
To eat humble pie
To apologize for one’s behavior
The correct
term is umble pie that is still made in some parts of Britain
DDlj tom cruice was originally recommended as Raj
A total of 30%of increase was noticed in Indian
Tourist going to Spain after Zindagi na milegi Dobara was released
Grand Father of Kalki Koechlins
worked as the chief engineer for the construction of the Effil Tower
First Indian Film to be ever released in China was
Lagan .It was dubbed in Chinese an d premiered in Shanghai Beizing.
When Shri Devi was 13 years old she acted as
Rajnikant ‘s stepmother in a film .
The ant can lift 50 times its own weight ,can pull30
times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated .
polar bears are left handed
The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds
The flea can jump350 times its body length .Its like
a human jumping the length of a football field
A cockroach will live nine days without its head
,before it starves to death .
Some lions mate over 50 times a day
Butterflies taste with their feet
An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain .
Star fish do not have brains .
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