Tuesday 26 October 2021



·        Excess is the cause of ruin .Hence one should avoid it in any case


Excessive affection suspects evils


Even a wet wick burns when thoroughly soaked in oil


Fie upon the birth of the man who is known in this world through his father. The birth is praiseworthy of that well born who gets known his son.


Youth, abundance of wealth, sovereignty and inconsiderateness are the source of calamity even singly: what then ,where all these four are combined.


The relinquishing of present happiness and the pursuit of future one is never the policy of the intelligent people.


A heated thing is joined on to another heated thing


Family conduct knowledge bravery these are of no consequence. People get attached to a donor, be he of good character or bad.


The son even when grownup, should be constantly advised by his father, so that adorned with good qualities, he may earn good name.

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